Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. ("Empire") and Shear Minerals Ltd. (SRM:TSXV) ("Shear") are pleased to announce a $500,000 exploration program has commenced on the 540,000 acre Churchill Diamond Project located in the Rankin Inlet area, Nunavut Territory.
A regional till sampling program has been completed on the Churchill Diamond project. A total of 130 samples were collected by APEX Geoscience Ltd. and are en route to Saskatchewan Research Council for indicator mineral analysis. In addition, a detailed airborne geophysical survey has commenced. The program will include the provision for on site quality control and interpretation of the data. Areas of interest will be re-flown at 75 meter spacing with prospective and target specific till sampling to follow immediately. The sampling and geophysical portions of the program are estimated at $400,000. Included in the budget is a ground geophysical and drilling contingency of $100,000 to test any priority targets identified.
The 2002 program is aimed at locating the source of diamond indicators recovered in the 2001 field season. Sample results from 2001 indicated the presence of potentially diamondiferous kimberlites based upon the favorable chemistry which included a significant G10 subcalcic pyrope garnet population supported by eclogitic garnets, chrome diopsides, chromites and picroilmenites. The mineral chemistry from the 2001 program samples is unique, differing from the existing kimberlite and lamprophyre rocks previously identified in the region. All indications suggest a new local kimberlite source.
"The initial encouraging results from the Churchill Diamond Project and the favorable logistics will allow us to fast track this project" said John Robins, President of Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. "The project lies on tide waters and is situated 30 km north of Rankin Inlet, one of Nunavut's major supply and access ports."
The Churchill Diamond Project is owned 51% by Shear Minerals Ltd., 35% by Northern Empire Minerals Ltd., and 14% by Hunter Exploration.
Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. is a well-funded diamond exploration company with an aggressive acquisition and development philosophy. The Company holds one of the most prospective diamond exploration property portfolios in Canada, totaling more than 3.5 million acres. The Company has 14 diamond properties in the Coronation Diamond District, the Melville Peninsula, and Rankin Inlet areas of Nunavut and 2 diamond properties in the Otish Mountains region of Quebec.
On behalf of the Board,
"John E. Robins"
John E. Robins, P. Geo.
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