Kimberlite Float Confirmed at Two Sites


Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. ("Northern Empire") and Shear Minerals Ltd. (SRM:TSXV) ("Shear") are pleased to announce that kimberlite float has been recovered from two different locations within the 540,000 acre Churchill Diamond Project, located in the Rankin Inlet area of the Nunavut Territory. 

As a result of ground prospecting while till sampling during our August program, conducted by APEX Geoscience Ltd., two occurrences of kimberlite float were discovered approximately 15 km apart. Both occurrences have been confirmed as kimberlite by R.L. Barnett Geological of London, ON. 

Both occurrences of kimberlite float were discovered in the immediate vicinity of diamond indicator minerals from tills. The tills yielded a significant G10 subcalcic pyrope garnet population supported by eclogitic garnets, chrome diopsides, chromites and picroilmenites. The chemistry of the indicator minerals recovered from the kimberlite float and nearby till samples indicates a high degree of potential for the discovery of diamondiferous kimberlites on the property. The mineral chemistry of these tills and recovered kimberlite float is unique to the region, differing from the known kimberlite and lamprophyre rocks previously recognized. The kimberlite float chemistry indicates that at least two separate new local kimberlite sources occur within the Churchill Diamond Project Area.

"The discovery of kimberlitic float associated with indicator samples containing significant G10 counts significantly increases the prospectivity of the Churchill Diamond Project", said John Robins, President of Northern Empire. "Based on these encouraging results coupled with our on-going airborne geophysical survey results, we believe there is potential for a cluster of kimberlites within the Churchill Project area", said Pamela Strand, President and CEO of Shear

Geophysical Surveys continue over the property as well as follow-up prospecting/sampling. The Churchill Diamond Project is owned 35% by Northern Empire Minerals Ltd., 51% by Shear Minerals Ltd., and 14% by Hunter Exploration.

Northern Empire is a diamond exploration company with an aggressive acquisition and development philosophy. The Company has established itself as one of the premiere diamond explorers in Nunavut. The Company's property interests now total more than 3.5 million acres. The Company has 14 properties in the Coronation Diamond District, the Melville Peninsula, the Rankin Inlet area, and 2 properties in the Otish Mountains Region of Quebec.

On behalf of the Board,


"John E. Robins"                                   

John E. Robins, P. Geo.
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