Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. ("the Company" and "NEM") field exploration programs have been completed for the 2002 season. This release summarizes this work, including: regional & detailed sampling, airborne geophysics, drilling and mini-bulk sampling.
The Company, along with its joint venture partners, has 16 active projects in 4 main geographic regions with a planned 2002 program exploration budget of $6.2 million. A total of 58,500 line km of airborne geophysics were flown this year, generating over 200 high priority geophysical targets. These geophysical targets, in conjunction with the results from approximately 2800 till samples currently being processed, will be used to determine the scope of the 2003 program.
We are confident that NEM will continue to be one of the dominant junior mining companies in Canadian diamond exploration based on land holdings and exploration activity.

Coronation District - Nunavut Territory, Canada
The Company budgeted $5.32 million for exploration in the Coronation Diamond District, with joint venture partners carrying more than $4.5 million of this total.
Regional and detailed sampling programs were conducted on several of the NEM Coronation District projects. Airborne geophysics were conducted over the Marquis, Jewel, Crown, Princess (the "Coronation Properties"), Bear and Jubilee projects by our partner Stornoway Ventures Ltd and the Peregrine project by our partner Diamondex Resources Ltd.
Under NEM's joint venture partnership agreements, the company will be fully carried on future exploration expenditures: $723,000 on the Bear Property and $3,237,000 on the Coronation Properties.
In the Kikerk Lake project area, our partner Ashton Mining of Canada conducted exploratory drilling to better understand the location, size and orientation of the Stellaria Kimberlite. Ashton also completed the processing of a 5.83 tonne mini-bulk sample from the Potentilla kimberlite pipe, which yielded a one third carat diamond. Although results from the Potentilla bulk sampling warrant no further work at this time, the company remains positive on the Kikerk Lake project as two kimberlite pipes have been discovered on the property and potential for additional discoveries remains high.
NEM awaits the results from more than 2300 samples collected from the Coronation District this year.
Melville Peninsula - Nunavut Territory, Canada
NEM and its joint venture partner Stornoway Ventures Ltd., budgeted $475,000 for exploration of this exciting and relatively unexplored district in the Eastern Arctic. This year's program was financed through an investment by Glencairn Explorations Ltd.
Regional and detailed sampling programs were conducted to test the 1.3 million acres that the company acquired this year. 400 samples were taken this summer from the Aviat North and Aviat South project areas and are currently being processed.
Of interest to our shareholders, is the level of activity by major mining explorers in the project area. De Beers has staked 8 million acres on Baffin Island 100 km to the Northeast and BHP has staked 1 million acres 100 km to the Southwest of NEM's projects. We believe that this area holds significant exploration potential.
Keewatin District - Nunavut Territory, Canada
NEM budgeted $500,000 for exploration, in partnership with Shear Minerals Ltd., for the Churchill Project. Detailed sampling and airborne geophysics were conducted on the companies' 540,000 acre land position.
On September 19th, we announced 2 separate discoveries of kimberlite float on the property.
Results from this year's airborne geophysics program and from the 130 till samples currently being processed, should give the company a better understanding of priority drill targets for next spring.
Otish Mountains - Quebec, Canada
A regional sampling program was completed on the company's two strategic claim blocks, situated near the kimberlite discoveries of Ashton Mining and Soquem Inc. Results are pending.
Over the next few months, 2002 summer work program results from the 2800 samples, airborne geophysics and drilling programs will allow management to better understand project opportunities, plan next year's strategy and release news.
Based on information gathered this year, we plan to focus our work next year on locations likely to yield kimberlite drill targets. Aiding substantially in NEM's future efforts, a further $3.96 million in exploration expenditures on two of the company's projects are fully carried by its partners.
On behalf of the Board,
"John E. Robins"
John E. Robins, P. Geo.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.