Matt Manson - Northern Miner’s 2016 Mining Person of the Year

Viola R. MacMillan Award for Company or Mine Development
Matt Manson, President and CEO of Stornoway Diamond Corporation, is the recipient of this prestigious award for leading Stornoway’s team in the continuing development of the company’s Renard Project located in the James Bay region of Québec. The team completed its $946 million project financing package this past July, more than 13 years after the project’s initial discovery.
Entrepreneur of the Year 2014: Stornoway Diamond (Canada) Inc.
This award highlights the work of an entrepreneur or a team of entrepreneurs whose company has made significant progress over the past year. This progress can be related to the development of a specific project or to the overall activities of the company.
E3 Plus Award 2013 (Responsible Mineral Exploration): Les Diamants Stornoway (Canada) Inc.
This award recognizes a company for its high level of environmental and social responsibility and its compliance with the best practices outlined in the e3 online Toolkit.
Prospector of the Year 2002: Ashton Mining of Canada & SOQUEM
This award is given to highlight the importance of a new discovery that produced a significant ripple effect on exploration activities with regards to both the property itself and the surrounding area.